Ella in the evening light shining into the carport. June 27, 2022
The art of photography is about chasing the light and letting it sculpt out the story you want to tell. Light is magic. The shadow that light casts can be so esthetically pleasing to the eye that it can elicit strong stirring emotion. My artist eye and heart are drawn to these high contrast photo opportunities, where light shines bright causing a deep fall off in the shadows. 
For about four years I have wanted to put together a collection of my photos that meet these criteria. Instead, I dedicated a yearlong project to seeking out these moments in time with intention and purpose.
Inspiration seems to be rewarded to those who pursue it. But sometimes it can sneak up on the unexpecting. Inspiration sometimes finds me through beautiful words strung together to convey a thoughtful feeling or in lyrical prose held together by an appealing tune of a song, or just the music itself. A beautiful painting can inspire me to write while watching the way the sunlight hits the mountains causing the shadows of the clouds to roll over its contours may give rise to emotion that can only be expressed nonverbally.
Art inspires more art, and it is born out of emotion.
Something that I have learned in doing a yearly photography project, going on five years now, is that they need room to evolve, and I just follow where they lead me. I don't really have too much of a solid plan for this project so, I thought it would be fun to document my thoughts and inspiration as this project unfolds.
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